HTTP Requests, AJAX and APIs (part 2)

This is the second tutorial on HTTP Requests, AJAX and APIs. You can find the first part of the tutorial.

Todays lesson

In the last lesson we learnt that an HTTP Request is when we ask the server for some information.

In the two earlier exercises we used the GET request. Today we will be building a Hangman game using an existing API that will handle the game logic for us.

We will be using the POST, PUT and GET requests, and other things we’ve learned in the last couple of lessons.

Verb Description
GET Fetching a resource (e.g. /index.html will return the HTML of the page)
PUT Updating an existing resource.
POST Create a new resource.

Request using jQuery

To use POST and PUT requests we must specify the type in the ajax() call that we introduced in the previous lesson.

You can also specify any data as a JSON object.

  type: request_type,
  data: { field: 'value',  other_field: 'other value' }

Exercise - Hangman!

Download the exercise files or clone them directly from Github git clone


Type Resource Parameters Description
POST - Create a new game
PUT { token: game token, letter: guess } Guess a letter
GET { token: game token } Get solution

What we will be doing:

  1. Create a new game

    1. Issue POST request

    2. Update the displayed string on the page and store the token
      • Use the hidden field with the class token
    3. Don’t allow the user to start a new game, hide the New game bubtton
  2. Interact with the API to try out different guesses

    1. Issue PUT request
      • Use data.correct to check if the response was successful or not
    2. Update the displayed word

    3. Update the stored token

    4. Update remaining attempts and display all guesses
      • Append each attempt to the $('.attempts') using a span
      • If the attempt is successful, include the class correct in the span; if it is unsuccessful, include the class wrong
      • You can then find out how many wrong attempts there were using $('.wrong').length+1;
  3. On the 7th failure, retrieve the solution using the GET request

    1. Display the solution, hide the input field and allow a user to start a new game
  4. Bonus don’t process numbers, guesses that have already been attempted or empty space

    1. You can use jQuery’s $.isNumeric(character)) to check if a letter is a number

    2. trim() removes all space around a string. You can apply trim() and check for the length to make sure the guess is one character long

    3. All the attempted guesses are already in .attempts. You can use indexOf(character) to check if it’s contained in a string.

    4. Add the class error to the letter field when the character is not allowed.

Other help

  • Use toLowerCase() for comparing strings as a is not the same as A

Here is our version of Hangman.

This ends our HTTP Requests, AJAX and APIs tutorial. Is there something you don’t understand? Try and go through the provided resources with your coach. If you have any feedback, or can think of ways to improve this tutorial send us an email and let us know.


Now that you are familiar with HTTP requests, AJAX and APIs, how about you go away and create a webpage that pulls in all instagram pictures with a certain hashtag.

Or embed a google map onto a webpage with it pointing to a destination of your choice in London.